True North: Resources + Rituals
There’s a lot in the air right now—uncertainty, exhaustion, fear. Some of us feel it as a weight pressing down. Others might be caught in the fog of numbness, waiting, unsure of what to do.
But here’s what we know: just like birds in flight, we don’t navigate these times alone.
There’s a lot in the air right now—uncertainty, exhaustion, fear. Some of us feel it as a weight pressing down. Others might be caught in the fog of numbness, waiting, unsure of what to do.
But here’s what we know: just like birds in flight, we don’t navigate these times alone.
In a V-formation, when one bird tires, the others instinctively take the lead, carrying her forward until she’s ready to return to the front. This is how we move through the hard things—caring, tending, lifting one another.
Hey Birdie is here to help you land when you need rest and rise when you’re ready. Without agenda, without noise—just tangible ways to care for yourself and others, to stay present, and to take action if and when you’re ready.
In times of uncertainty, it can be hard to know where to turn or what to do. To assist, we have created True North a living resource—a collection of ways to care for yourself, support your community, and stay engaged with what matters.
There is no expectation to do everything, only an invitation to do something.
This list will evolve as we discover more opportunities, and we welcome contributions. If you have a resource, organization, or action that aligns with this vision, we’d love to include it. Email us with the details and we will update True North.
Together, like birds in formation, we lift each other, rest when needed, and keep moving forward.
We’ll continue to gather and share these resources because doing something—no matter how small—is a way of choosing presence over paralysis.
We’re here. You’re not alone. The formation holds.